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Navigation Structure

Mobile devices have their own set of IA navigation patterns. Standard websites and browser-based web apps may follow a navigational structure that is tab-based. However, for native apps may follow one of these popular navigation patterns: Hierarchy, Hub & spoke, Nested doll, Tabbed view, Bento box and Filtered view.

Develop: 文字
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Develop: 圖片


Sketching is a distinctive form of drawing which we designers use to propose, explore, refine and communicate our ideas.

Concepts Sketches

Develop: 文字
Develop: 圖片
Develop: 圖片

Paper Prototype

Develop: 文字

Concept 1

People Oriented

To display friends (other users) information mainly, the user based on the friend's information to choose a restaurant.

Develop: 圖片
Develop: 圖片

Concept 2

Restaurant Oriented

To display the restaurant information mainly, the user chose according to the restaurant information.

Develop: 圖片
Develop: 圖片


A wireframe is a two-dimensional illustration of a page’s interface that specifically focuses on space allocation and prioritization of content, functionalities available, and intended behaviors. For these reasons, wireframes typically do not include any styling, color, or graphics.

Develop: 文字
Develop: 圖片
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