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Rong Liu

Age: 42

Location: Hang Zhou, Chia

Income: $7000/month

Job: Civil servant

Living: Live with her husband and two children in a townhouse

Persona: 圖片


  • Need to see the location and the nearby environment of restaurants

  •  Need good arrange app to reserve a restaurant


Not sure about the ability of the filtering and screen functions, but willing to try.

Eating Habits

  • Hired a nanny to cook, occasionally eat out with friends and family. 

  • Always choose restaurants they've been to or friends recommend.

  • Integrate the views of the whole family before making a choice

  • Care about the taste, raw material qualities, and hygiene.

Frequency of using

  • Internet: 5 days/week

  • Social: 3 days/week

  • Message: 7 days/week

Persona: 清單

William Ali

Age: 37

Location: San Francisco, CA

Income: $7000/month

Job: Application Developer

Living: Live with his girlfriend

Persona: 圖片


  • Look for local cuisine when traveling or on business trips.

  • Intelligent algorithms for accurate data processing without too much user action.

  • See real-time lining status at restaurants and nearby parking spaces.


Thinks the evaluation information is not reliable which has speculation suspect.

Eating Habits

  • Usually cooks their own, sometimes go out with friends to dinner or order delivery. 

  • Care about the taste, quality, and waiting time of restaurants. 

Frequency of using

  • Internet: 7 days/week

  • Social: 4 days/week

  • Message: 7 days/week

Persona: 清單

Jing Young

Age: 25

Location: Beijing, China

Income: ¥3,500/month

Job: Director Assistant of Hotel

Living: Live alone in a downtown apartment

Persona: 圖片


  • Control monthly food costs.

  • Be able to choose restaurants quickly and save time on thinking.

  • With dinner ready when she arrives home after work.


Always has trouble choosing a satisfying restaurant (take 40 minutes. Has expectations for the filtering and screen function.

Eating Habits

  • Usually orders delivery for dinner and barely cooks on her own. 

  • Would like to use all kinds of arrange apps and delivery apps. 

  • Cares about customer reviews, waiting times, and prices when choosing the delivery

Frequency of using

  • Internet: 6 days/week

  • Social: 7 days/week

  • Message: 7 days/week

Persona: 清單

User Needs + Features

Jin's Needs

  • Jin needs to see more selections by category to filter out so that she can decide what to eat in minutes.

  • Jin expects to see her archived selections so that she doesn’t have to start over but could still make some changes based on her previous decision

  • Jin wants to share the selection so that she can choose the restaurants with her friends at the same time.

  • Jin wants to post her final choice and evaluation online so that her friends could comment under her post.​


  • Screening function

  • Dietary restriction Icon

  • Waiting time classification

  • Like / Dislike

Persona: 文字

Design Principles

Real-Time Tracking

Update the real-time data to provide users with the newest and most authentic merchant information.​


Has a wealth of content and merchants, through a detailed database to create the most comprehensive arrange app and provide attentive service to users. The filtering system provides the user with accurate classification to ensure final selection. Offers convenience and flexibility for people from different countries and religions.


Users can rely on the app's filtering options. Through detailed selection pages and regular arrangements, with security and carefully selected colors, every user feels at ease.


This app should be as simple and fast as possible. Allows users to navigate to the information they want with simple actions. Page layout also needs to be made clearer and more understandable through simplification. Legible icons or color grading to make users recognize the real-time situation of the restaurant.


Build connections between users, create social networks in business and customers by sharing and posting food. High interaction and participation.

Persona: 文字
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Persona: Welcome

User Journey

This is a series of steps that represents a scenario in which a user might interact with the solution are designing in order to accomplish a goal. They tell a story of the overall user experience (with & without technology), including what happens before, during, and after the use of your solution. User journeys tie back to your personas. You will want to create at least one journey for each of your primary personas at a bare minimum.

Persona: 文字
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Persona: 圖片
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